Antonio Pompa-Baldi is an award-winning concert pianist and a beloved professor of music at the Cleveland Institute of Music. Maestro Pompa-Baldi’s talent is powered by boundless technical prowess and a genuine love of music. We hope this website gives you a worthy preview of his art.

“Pompa-Baldi demonstrated both brilliance and structural insight… He also showed himself to be an ensemble player of considerable sensitivity, seeming to relish the partnership of other instruments. ”
– The Boston Globe (Ellen Pfeifer)
“Pompa-Baldi knew how to suspend time, letting a phrase hover and expand in poised inner stillness… (He) relied on warmth, exquisite taste… arresting technique.”
– The Los Angeles Times (Chris Pastels)
“Pompa-Baldi possesses a magical touch, rich in a thousand nuances, a spectacular technique and an amazing finesse.
– La Provincia